An International Network for Scar Research

In addition to supporting our full-time research fellows, we would like to develop a medical student and trainee-led international consortium on burns and scarring research. We aim to harness the dedication and imagination of medical students and trainee doctors from the UK and across the world to develop and advance high quality research projects which will benefit patients.

On this page, we will be posting details of the collaborative projects which we are currently supporting. Read on to see how you could get involved.

If you have an idea for a collaborative research project in burns or scarring which you would like to take forward with us, get in touch by clicking here.

FABRIC: First Aid for Burns Restore International Collaborative


  • Running water at 15° centigrade
  • Applied for 20 minutes
  • Reduces burn depth by 25%

We now know more about what makes good first aid for burn injuries than ever before. Restore’s
very own Research Fellow Mr Hugh Wright has built on the work of Professor Roy Kimble and others
to show that applying cool running water for 20 minutes reduces the depth of a burn by 25%.
Provision of effective burns first aid depends both on the dissemination of this knowledge and the
material ability to adequately provide it. In this trainee-led international study we aim to assess
knowledge of burns first aid on a global scale as well as the causes of inadequate first aid provision.

This project is in its early stages. We are currently developing a questionnaire and aim to pre-pilot it
in the UK and internationally. Our data collection protocol and study timeline are yet to be finalised,
but we are keen to expand our network. If you are a medical student, trainee doctor or allied health
professional who would like to be involved then please read on to find out how you can register your
interest in delivering this project.

  1. Assess burns first aid practise in several countries and how it compares to the ideal.
  2. Identify reasons behind poor first aid provision.
Doing this will establish the size of the gap between ideal and actual provision and the reasons for its existence in different settings. This information could be used to inform future public health interventions and ultimately, improve outcomes after burn injuries on a global scale.
Medical students, doctors in training and allied health professionals worldwide interested in burns, first aid or plastic surgery.
By taking part in this project, you will be helping to advance our understanding of the nature of and reasons behind gaps in global first aid for burns. In addition all data collectors will be Pubmed citable collaborators on any resulting papers which will be published under one main name: The Restore Collaborative.
We are currently developing our questionnaire and international network. If you would like to be involved then please email with:
  1. A short CV attached.
  2. 100 words describing your background and why you would like to be involved in this project.

KelS: International Keloid Survey

This is a trainee led research project surveying the public perception of keloid scars. The public are asked about aetiology, symptomatology, epidemiology and treatment. Data is collected across different countries within Australasia, America and Europe giving an international comparison between populations.

The overall framework which will be followed in carrying out this project is described in the flowchart below. Data collector recruitment is ongoing worldwide.

The full data collection protocol is available for download here.

This project began in Ghana as a collaboration between Mr Jonathon Pleat and Guy Stanley, the winner of the Restore Research Essay Prize in 2015.
To confirm or refute the hypotheses that:
  1. The public in keloid prevalent populations will know most about the condition
  2. The public in general know that keloids are scars.
  3. Those with the highest level of education know the most about the condition.
The keloid survey is administered, face-to-face, with members of the general public. It is conducted according to a set protocol, which aims to minimise bias and promote consistency between locations. For data collectors this means:
  1. Translating the survey (optional)
  2. Preparing logistics
  3. Piloting the survey
  4. Reviewing the pilot
  5. Conducting the survey
  6. Uploading the results
Once data collection is complete, the stages of analysis and write up begin with the aim of publishing in a peer reviewed journal, giving credit to everyone who has collaborated towards this achievement.
  • Medical students and doctors in training interested in the field of scars, dermatology or plastic & reconstructive surgery
  • We are looking to conduct this survey in the following geographical areas: Caribbean, Africa, Europe, South America
  • Recognition as a collaborator in any publications which result from this
  • Experience in a multi-centre, trainee led research project
  • The chance to present your findings at local meetings
  • Association with Restore and being kept up-to-date with any future opportunities to be involved in research projects
Send an email to with:
  1. A short CV attached
  2. 100 words describing your background and why you would like to be involved in this international project
Where in the world are you recruiting data collectors?
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Caribbean
  • Europe
  • South America
What are the timelines for the project?
  • Data collector recruitment deadline August 31st 2017
  • Data collection September 6th – October 31st 2017
  • Data analysis November 1st – December 31st 2017
How do I collect data for the project?
  • This is a field work project which involves going into the public space to ask people, face-to-face, what they know about keloids. We use a standard protocol that specifies how, when and where to survey. Each survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete and the data collection can be comfortably completed in 5 days.
What if the first language of my area is not English and I am surveying a non-English speaking population?
  • The survey can be translated: strictly. We ask that you translate it from English into the target language by a native speaker of both languages THEN get the translation converted back into English by a different person. If it matches the original then the translation is satisfactory. We apply this process for consistency and accuracy.
What if I want to get involved in more projects like this?
  • We have a regular series of studies that will advance knowledge, care and also, the education and CV of the collaborator. Get involved, you’ve everything to gain!